• https://cxl.com/institute/lesson/overview-radical-differentiation/
  • radical-
  • https://lztforeferfiles.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/

Radical Differentiation

  • Fundamentals NOT Tatics - Learn timeless principles of business, psychology, marketing that will work now and in 50 years;
  • Simple, not easy: I’ve reamoved the fluff so every concept is simple to understand. It’s your responsibility to do the work and ship.
  • Lego Bricks: You’re going to feel like everything just clicks together


  • Marty Neumeier : Zag
  • A business strategy disguised as a positioning method to make your brand the ONLY choice in a specific category for a specific group of people
  • It’s well-suited for brands who wants to grow market share in satureted markets
  • BUT! it’s not for everyone: it requires sacrifice and long-term commitment across the entire experience (not just your messaging but your product, price etc)

Precisa ser um CONJUNTO de TUDO - toda a experiência precisa ser diferenciada

Big Brands - Grandes Players do Mercado

  • Eles são FAMOSOS porque são grandes
  • Marcas com grande Market Share tem compradores mais leais
  • Eles podem tirar um pouco do lucro para reinvestir em marketing pesado
  • Baron Sharp -> Double


  • Talk about brand strategy (HBR Article)
  • The Stupidity of sameness and the value of difference (Article by Tom Roach)
  • How Brands Grow (Byron Sharp Book)
  • Zag (Booky by Marty Neumeier)
  • Crossing the Chasm (Book by Geoffrey Moore)
  • Differente: Escaping the Competitive Herd


  • We should fear obscurity. It’s worse than doing nothing - Seth Godin
  • If you’re not zigging, you’re laggin - Marty Neumeier
  • Others are winging it as much as you are. No one has perfect data
  • Humans are hardwired to pay attention to the unexpected. It’s a matter of survival
  • I’m a FRAUD
  • Focus on specific thing

SelfCoaching Model

  1. Circumstances => Entregar vídeos de qualidade
  2. Thoughts => Muita coisa pra fazer, não tenho tempo!
  3. Feelings => Ansiedade - Urgência
  4. Actions => Pensar em tudo que pode ser feito, criar processos criativos.
  5. Results => Dificuldades e procrastinação - Produzir conteúdos ruins

  6. Entregar vídeos de qualidade
  7. Parece difícil, mas já fiz coisas mais difíceis ainda
  8. Relaxado
  9. Planejo, executo minhas ações de acordo com o tempo plnejado - Quebro o problema em pequenos pedaços
  10. Evoluo constantemente


  1. Write on paper for +10 minuts without correction yourself
  2. Identify a specific limiting belief and run it through the self-coaching model
  3. Challenge this beliefe with an alternative model


  • Self Coaching Model (Brooke Castillo)
  • Self Coaching 101 (Brooke Castillo)
  • The Paradox of Choice - Barry Schwartz
  • Online Therapies Website: betterhelp.com., talkspace.com
  • How to stop feeling like a fraud (podcast episode w/ Tiffany da Silva)
  • The Fucking Risks (podcast episode with Paul Mellor)

Life’s Strategy

Your decision about allocation your personal time, energy, and talent ultimately shape your life’s stragety.

The Siren Song of BullShit

  • Just be yourself!
  • Be authentic!
  • Tell stories!
  • Be Controversial!
  • Use Emotions


Unique Ability

Ele entende que é melhor focar e dobrar seus esforços em um único ponto que você seja bom do que tentar melhorar todos os aspectos da sua vida, baseado no livro Unique Ability 2.0 - Discovery - Catherine Namura com os seguintes pontos:

  • Superior Skill: That other people notice and value
  • Passion: You want to use it as much as possible
  • Energy: for both yourself and people around you
  • Constant Improvement: You keep getting better

My Opinions

  • Marketing is based on fundamentals
  • Growth hack sucks
  • Mindset is the biggest hurdle
  • Focus on the process, not the outcome
  • If you don’t have a butterfly in your stomach when you launch it’s too safe

What Unique Ability Would your clients, colleagues, friends say you have?

  • ?
  • Identifique 10-15 pessoas que você conhece bem (colegas, chefe, amigos etc);
  • Envie email/whats perguntando duas questões: a. O que vc pensa ser uma abilidade única minha? b. Qual vc pensa ser a minha opinião mais forte?


  • List down the projects, jobs, experiences you’ve enjoyed the most
  • List down the content of recent conversations you’ve had with clientes, clolleagues, or followers where you felt particularly FIRED UP
  • List down the daily activities that fit the definition of a Unique Ability (superior skill, passion, energy, constant improvement)


  1. Fill out the worksheet
  2. Categorize your Unique Abilities and Opinions into Themes
  3. Summarize theme into one sentence

Parte 2 - Minimum Viable Market

Um grupo que você pode identificar e defender:

  • You can “own and defend”
  • You feel confident about
  • Who have painful problems and burning - desires you can solve very well
  • Who can sustain you now and in the long-term
  • Who are a bit wacky and wonderful
  • Who know and talk to each other
  • Ver planilhas e pensar O QUE ODEIAM?


  • How to use the jobs-to-be-done framework to create better products (podcast episode with Alan Klement)
  • How to use the jobs-to-be-done framework to read your customers minds (podcast ep with Claire Suellentrop)
  • How to find what triggers customers to buy (Podcast ep with Katelyn Bourgoin)

MVM - Laziest Way to Identify It

  • Triggers: What happens the day that finally made you say: “I need to solve that problem/pain / reach goals”
  • Alternatives: After that, how did you go about researching potential solutions? What solutions did you consider?
  • Pain & Goals: Now that you have product/service, what’s the #1 thing that you’re able to do that you weren’t before?

  • Uniqueness: What’s the #1 thing that made you confident [product or service] was the right solution?
  • Influence: Who influences you the most in your industry/category?
  • Channels: Where do you spend most of your time?
  • Clichés: What’s the #1 thing you hate the most about [our industry/category]?
  • Bonus: Is there anything else you like do add?

Talking to THEM

  • People LOVE to talk about themselves
  • Make them feel valued
  • Recgonize their expertise, experience, knowledge
  • It’s a conversation, not an interrogation
  • Go deeper! Why? What do you mean?
  • Silences are fine
  • It’s ok to miss some questions


  • Psychographics and marketing: how to get to the truth about what people buy (article by Adele Revella)
  • Buyer Persona: your guide to create 100% accurate ones (podcast ep Adele Revella)

MVM - Committing to ONE portion of the market

  • Fist Question: Are you a MAXIMIZER?
  • Are you generally remorseful of the outcome?
  • Do you generally dwell on past decisionxs?



  • Add a sprinkle of demographics
  • Beware of the red Flags:
    • You have cornered the market already
    • Less than 10 direct competitors or more than 200
    • Minimum viable market is less than the revenue you’re projecting
    • Your segment is incoherente; there is no name, you can’t find places where they hang out
    • They don’t seem to talk to each other


  • Market Sizing: The ultimate guide (article by IGotAnOffer Consulting)

MVM - The Monster - Mobilizing People Around you Without Being Sleazy (sórdico)

3 Questions:

  1. What is the cause of your market’s pain?
  2. What is frustrating them the most?
  3. What is standing in the way of their progress?


  • Suspicions Minds: Why We Believe in Conspiracy Theories (book by Rob Brotherton)
  • Predictably Irrational (book by Dan Ariely)
  • How to design a convincing product narrative (podcast ep Andy Raskin)

Becoming the ONLY

  1. Discover the four deadly mistakes to avoid when engineering your radical differentiation
  2. Play inside an existing category to find out where you can zag when others are zigging
  3. Find out why radical differentiation goes way beyond the features you offer or your messaging

4 Unhealthy Obsessions

  1. Lipstick-on-a-pig: Trying to sprinkle a bit of differentiation on top of an average experience
  2. Flock-of-birds: following competitor’s every move
  3. We-are-so-unique: Believeing that your solution is one-of-a-kind
  4. Rose-colored-glasses: lying to yourself, using stunts, being loud

Picking your category

And listing what is typically expected of it

Not just in terms of features, but in terms of the entire experience, across:

  • The 4 P’s (Product, Price, Place, Promotion)
  • The Buyer Experience Cycle


  1. Gather your insights
  2. Pick your category
  3. Select the mos promising themes across the entire experience


  • Blue Ocean
  • Blue Ocean Shift (W. Chan Kim)
  • Purple Cow (Seth Godin)
  • Make your Brand Stand Out (Podcast ep: Peep Laja)

Radical Differentiation - Achieving Congruence

  • Welding a JCB (trator) to a Ferrari … doesn’t make a machine that can dig roadas at 200 mph. It makes something that can’t do either job properly - Dave Trott

Para ter CONGRUÊNCIA é preciso SACRIFÍCIO — Precisa-se dizer mais NÃO do que SIM! Muito Mais

Excêlencia em qualquer dos pontos extremos sempre implica em TRADOFF (perder - dizer não - deixar de fazer)

Você não pode ser bom em tudo! Você precisa escolher suas BATALHAS. Depois compartilhar uma vez que você seja o melhor neste mercado

Don’t be afraid of generosity - be generous — give





  • Influence: The Psychology of Persusasion (book - Robert Cialdini)
  • This is Marketing (Seth Godin)
  • Seth Godin’s Secrets to Launching a New Business - Changing de World (podcast episodes)

LAST - Becoming Famouse

  1. Avoid the biggest mistake you can make if you want to grow your market share and how it costs me my own business a few years ago
  2. Learn the story of a pots and pans salesman who outsold his competitors by doing something no other salesmen did
  3. Discover how brands grow and why out sharing your competition is the only way to build momentum until a point of breakthrough


  1. Too impatient - Tudo leva tempo - Demora para ser notado, lembrado e compartilhado

It’s like pushing a giant, heavy flywheel, turn upon turn, building momentum until a point of breakthrough, and beyond - Jim Collins

Foque no que você pode controlar, esqueça o que não pode controlar, por exemplo: Facebook latest algorithm changes; What a competitor you don’t like does; How long results are going to take; What people say about you and your business; New laws and regulations


  1. Share your generous gift to reach as many people in your & minimum viable market
  2. Push the flywheel by sharing, sharing, sharing
  3. Focus on what you can control (your thoughts and output)
  4. Rinse, repeat the entire process of this course


  • Find Your Greens - Wiemer Snijders
  • Building Distinctive Brand Assets (Book by Jenni Romaniuk)
  • Media in Foscus Marketing Effectiveness in The Digital Era (by Les Binet and Peter Field)