Growth Strategy

Growth Marketing

  • Você precisa sair com o seguinte mindset: não sabe exatamente o que o consumidor quer
  • Ir aprendendo com o consumidor e ir investindo de acordo com o que você vai aprendendo
  • Usar sempre métricas: dobrar contatos / dobrar faturamento etc
  • Rodar várias campanhas até acertar
  • Não colocar toos os ovos em uma única campanha
  • Ao invés de mandar e-mails frios x “Instacart te ajuda a economizar 1h por semana”

Layer of Detph in Test

  1. Aprender se funciona ou não - se tem conversão
  2. Qual é a mensagem certa, qual a campanha certa?
  3. Uma mensagem para cada cliente de acordo com o que aprendemos com ele


  • Criar metas trimestrais
  • Que sejam alcancáveis


  • Ao invés de olhar o que você quer que o cliente faça: Quero que ele compre mais. Tente olhar sob a perspectiva de retirar barreiras do seu site/produto. Para que a experiência seja mais fluída possível.
  • Qual é o caminho que o cliente está traçando até chegar ao seu produto?
  • Qual é o ponto mais impactante, em que é possível focar mais para melhorar o processo do cliente?
  • O Growth marketing funciona só quando o negócio está funcionando
  • Focar no meio pro fundo de funil
  • Focar em poucas métricas de acordo com a sua meta trimestral
  • Achar um jeito de testar TODAS as ideias. Não adianta ter brainstorms e ideias sem teste específico


  • Aprender a interpretar dados
  • Seja em SQL ou Tabelas Excel
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Parar com campanhas genéricas: Advogado Cascavel
  • Depois de tentar algum experimento de crescimento partir para a automação
    • Ex: Automação de e-mails / automação de analytics

Identifying and amplifying growth channels

  1. SEM (Search Engine Marketing) or PPC (PayPerClick) => GoogleAds (60% Market Share) / Bing
  2. SEO (Search Engine Optmization) : Wikipedia / Yelp
  3. Social and Display Ads
  4. Email Marketing
  5. Content (Blogs - Reddit)


  • Focar em um canal
  • Não ser “thin” (Pequeno) em todos eles
  • Não errar o canal => Exemplo: B2B no TikTok
  • Quando achar o canal certo - Dobrar seus esforços
  • MQL - Market Qualified Lead
  • Audience Fatigue => When channels get “too crowded” they may increase the cost of your strategy and decrease its effectiveness


  1. Melhor horário que a audiencia consome o material
  2. O conteúdo, qual é o melhor?
  3. CTAs
  4. Links nos Posts - Pequenos/Grandes - Cores etc
  5. Oferta

KPI (Key Performance Indicator) for SEO

  1. Sessions & Visit - How much traffic is coming froma a dimension/source?
    • Bounce RATE
  2. Goal Completions - N of conversions
  3. Revenue: Dinheiro entrando !
  4. Goal Conversion Rate %: % of visits results in goal conversions

Content e GAP Analysis

  • Keyword Research:
    1. Assess your competitors / Compare
    2. Determine high search volume terms / Altere sua abordagem atual
    3. Prioritize your conten accordingly / Crie um “roadmap” para chegar aos seus objetivos
  • A própria ferramenta do Google: Google Keyword Planner
  • Keyword Trends
  • Moz Keyword Explorer;
  • Ahrefs
  • BrightEdge (enterprise)


  • Quanto mais as pessoas falarem de voê melhor
  • Como chegar nessas referências grandes?
  • .edu and gov => Extra Credibility
  • Relevância no ramo

One Page SEO

Basic technical knowledge for optimizing your On-page and local SEO for the following: Page title () - Keyword Desejado na página - Brand ou nome da empresa Meta description - Descrição Básica para o usuário ler URL - Estruturar URL facilmente //// header tags (h1, h2, etc.) - Apenas um H1 Image alt-text - Inserir Keywords também

HTML Simples

Local SEO

  • Google/Bing
  • Local Business Directories : Yelp & Yellow Pages
  • YEXT or MOZ Logal

PPC (Payperclick)

  1. Awareness Campaigns
  2. Lead Generation Campaigns

Subareas of PPC Campaigns

  1. Pre-awareness
  2. Awarenesse & Trigger
  3. Consideration
  4. Engagement

Variables to test

  • Messaging
  • Assets
  • Content
  • CTA
  • Offers

Content Marketing

  • É o que une todos os aprendizados anterior
  • As pessoas querem saber mais do negócio através de artigos do que de propagandas
  • É possível provar o ROI das campanhas sim

Daft Punk

  • Controlaram todos os aspectos de sua arte de forma congruente

Different Scaping the Competitive Herd - Youngme Moon

  1. Offer something that is hard to come by
  2. Commit to a big idea
  3. Be intesely human
  4. True differentiation is a funciton of playing on strenghts

Purple Cow

  1. Create remarkable products that the right people seek out
  2. Offering something a little bit cheaper/better/faster is a waste of time
  3. The leading brand has ahuge advantage over the others
  4. Being outrageous is not remarkable


  1. Clutter is the ENEMY
  2. Successful zags test porrly with consumers before they’re launched so companies ignore them
  3. Your zag and company behavior must be aligned and coherent
  4. If you’re not zagging, you’re lagging


  • Different Scaping the Competitive Herd
  • Purple Cow
  • ZAG
  • The 22 Immutable laws of marketing
  • Hot Seat Group Coaching Sessions on Differentiation (YouTube)

22 Laws

  1. The Law of the Mind: be first in the mind
  2. The Law of Sacrifice: give up something in order to get something
  3. The Law of Attributes: for every attribute, there is an opposite, effective attribute

Resumo de todos esses livros (in short…)

  • Customer Perception + Obsession
  • Be First
  • Sacrifice, Sacrifice, Sacrifice
  • Focus on one thing
  • Zag when they Zig
  • Things take time


  1. Goes against your opinions and UNIQUE ability
  2. Your minimum viable market finds clichés
  3. Does NOT contribute to helping them achieve their goals and solve their pains
  4. Alternative can do BETTER



  1. Doubles Down your uniqueness
  2. Contributes to helping your minimum viable market achieve their goals and solve their pains
  3. Alternativas can’t replicate
  4. Annoys, offends, are too expensive, too ugly, risky, too cheap, too heavy, too complicated, too simples
  5. Are generous, true

Radical Difference - Message

Your brain can’t tell the difference between you having a real experience and you having a pretend experiência through a story - Susan Weinschenk

Estrutura da História

  • Character / Problem / Guide / Plan / Action / Failure / Sucess (SotryBrand - Donal Miller)

  • Using Insights You’ve Collected to tell this history based on the audience you selected

Search for the following Principles:

  1. Radical Simplicity : Focus on ONE message; Miller’s Laws: The number of ‘bits’ one can hold in their working memory is 5-9 items. This is a universal law observed in many studies. Use simple words to say complex things. Decide and COMMIT! ONE FUCKING MESSAGE
  2. Radical Confidence : Bold edginess breeds confidence and authority. Share your OPINIONS! Pratfall Effect: Admit your flaws. Social Proof: don’t assume your scale is known; PROVE IT!
  3. Radical TRUTH: Stay on TRUTH; Don’t lie to yourself or your market; Don’t hide behind empty words; Lean onyour market for a gut check;

Writing your Story

  • A character in your minimum viable market
  • Wants to solve a pain, reach a iT goal, kill a monster
  • And meets your brand
  • Who gives them a plan
  • And calls them to action
  • That helps them to prevent staying in & pain or missing their 1 goal
  • And reach their 17 goal


  • CLX product Messaging Course (Momoko PRice)
  • Building a StoryBoard (Donald Miller)
  • Value Proposition: What it is & How to Create One (podcast ep Momoko Price)
  • Turning Customer Feedback into Creative Copy (podcast ep Momoko Price)
  • 3 Steps to Write Copy That Converts (podcast ep Joanna Wiebe)

The Jolt - Making your market notice you without being sleazy

  1. Discover the two types of decisions people take and why they need to move away from their habits if you want to be noticed
  2. Learn how to jolt the people you seek to serve into action in one powerful, underutilized concept
  3. Find out the three principles behind a successful jolt that makes people notice you, trust you, and buy from you

Two parts of the brain (VALUE-based vs. HABIT-based) can’t be active at the same time - Susan Weinschenk


  1. Buildint it and thinking - They will come!
  2. Thinking people should pay attention to you
  3. Getting cold feet
  4. Seeking too much feedback
  5. Saying too much